Jul 11, 2001 - v1.05a Debugging is now a command line option (-d 1 OR -d 2), no hardcode in .c file. Added some code for debugging. Added small bounds check for online mins. Nov 15, 2000 - v1.04 Failure to open config file now shows the config file path we are trying to open. If we get a QUERY_METHOD but a blank QUERY_STRING we now assume we are being called from inside a CGI or shell script, therefore parse arguments like we were getting called from the command line. If you don't understand this, dont worry..unless it breaks something for you, of course..then contact me. :-) The URL: config variable now defaults to killing users using the actual program, in CGI form, rather than the seperate reset.c program, which is no longer needed. Nov 7, 2000 - v1.03 Added -B switch for reporting very basic information. Used by my killmultiples program. Moved some my_strptime() variables around. Added ability to log manual and auto kills to seperate files. See config file. Oct 24, 2000 - v1.02 Introduced my_strptime() function since not all OSes have a strptime(). Re-wrote program to use socket()/connect() C functions instead of telnet. This will allow the program to be run from win32 systems. Added code to allow program to be run from win32 systems. Win32 distribution only contains binary. Binary looks for config file in the root directory of the windows install drive. see READ-ME-WIN32.txt Added ability to run the program through a HTML form or directly through a browser (no more usrwho.sh script), and pass options in the url. See relevent README for your system. Added ability to view modem speed info for portson HyperARC chassises. (-c switch) Note two things however..1) it will take longer to retrieve the info, since it has to run an extra command for every port being used. 2) I found out, the speeds are not always accurate, not by any fault of mine. It's either a bug in the HyperaARC code, or 3com just isn't reporting the kind of speed you think it's reporting. *shrug* Apr 14, 2000 - v1.02b-pl3 On HiperARC chassises, the connection and network list are now matched up by username and not slot/modem. This is because multi-channels calls were not showing up, since their is only one network listing for a user when their will be 2 or more connection listing for the user. By matching up by username we now get to show both sessions in list. DST_ON has been phased out of use. The config file format has changed slightly. Now there is a variable reference before a setting. This is for more easier adding and removal of config variables in the future. Modify your existing cfg .file accordingly Dec 3, 1999 - v1.02b-pl2 Added NS_COM_PROMPT and HYPER_COM_PROMPT to usrchk.c to let you set the command prompt looked for on the chassises. Some peopel changed their defaults from "> " When DEBUG = 2, DEBUG = 1 messages now get sent too. Oops! :-) Nov 19, 1999 - v1.02b-pl1 Fixed getting of time/date, because older hyperarc code (e.g. 4.1.72, dunno when it changed, but i know it's changed in my 4.2.32) has different format of output line. Nov 12, 1999 - v1.02b Organized header calls, globals, and #defines to one place. Fixed a warning regarding strptime() on glibc systems. Now we pull system time from hyperarc "show time" command instead of from host's time. DST_ON config variable is no longer used and will be phased out of config file. It stays in now for formattting sake. Added grouping capabilities and variables necessary for making this possible. See README for more info. Outputted kill logs now have file format ..log instead of the previous ..log Output from -T switch is formatted differently..it now prints: - (