Aug 3, 2001 - v1.04 Added maxlist-finger.c to the distribution. You can use this to get session stats via the finger command instead of via SNMP. Added debug options -1 -2 -3 to command line. See ./maxlist -h for what each shows. Now we check if it's specified that we have a line plugged into ports 3 or 4. If so, then we need to get the slotnum of the caller, since this, in conjunction with slotline with determine the line the caller is on. Ports 1 and 2 are on slotnum 1, Ports 3 and 4 are on slotnum 2. i.e. If only ports 1 and 2 are used, the slotnum doesn't matter, because it will always be 1, so no need to retreive and calculate. Added MAX_CHASSISES and SESSION_LIST_SIZE #defines. See .c file for more info. Auto and manual kills/resets are now logged to seperate files. See LOG_FILE_KILL #define in .c file Jul 21, 1999 - v1.03 Moved all reset.c and maxkill.c functions into maxlist.c. Removed reset.c and maxkill.c from the distribution. Maxkill functionality is done with the -k switch to maxlist. Reset functionality is done by passing the 1 combined user argument to maxlist. boxip_username_sessionid. The program distiguishes this from a normal poll by checking for a _ and a . in the argument. Hopefully these both wont be used in group names. Now do SNMP with C snmp calls instead of icky popen() calls. Except for kills, i still call snmpset, I dont know how to SET values with C calls yet. Anyone? Did general cleaning of code. Added the -k argument as mentioned above. Added the -P option to output data in text-only format Added the -B option to output only basic userdata, username and IP addy Last two options can be combined. See README for example usage. Updated README. Mar 15, 1999 - v1.02 Added support for multiple locations per box. i.e. 1 WAN port for 1 city, another (or 2) for another city. multiple ports per location are seperated on the chassis line by commas. Valid numbers are 1,2,3, and 4. Added OIDS to make previous feature possible. SLOTNUM_OID,SLOTLINE_OID. Put WAN port # in the HTML table. Mar 3, 1999 - v1.01 Added #define LOG_FILE to set where autokills and reset get logged to. Added group support for multiple hosts. Added extra groupname variable for host configs in config.cfg The SNMP_PROG and SNMP_SET defines will now encompass all - options passed to popen() Updated README file